Our Approach
A Thorough Process That’s 100% Patient and Brain Focused
From start to finish, our approach at Mt Hood Hearing focuses on the best solutions for hearing loss to achieve maximum sound clarity, brain stimulation, and to promote quality of life. Our goal is to help you maintain your independence and boost your confidence, while delivering exceptional patient-centered care.
Our hearing loss correction plans have been carefully designed by Dr. Keith Darrow, Ph.D. a Clinical Audiologist, Neuroscientist, Certified Dementia Practitioner, medical researcher, and author.
What to Expect Before Your Appointment
Our commitment to all our patients begins before you ever step foot in our office. We will first send you an information packet that provides education on our process and your treatment options. You will be offered a free hearing consultation with one of our Patient Experience Coordinators, and a book that will answer most questions from ‘‘how are hearing loss and Dementia connected?’, to ‘what are the different available options?’, to ‘how affordable are hearing loss correction options?'

Functional Hearing Assessment
Our hearing consultation is a comprehensive procedure intended to not only define the degree of hearing loss and its impacts on daily life, but to also determine how it is affecting your cognitive system as this directly correlates with your ability to understand words and conversation in both quiet and noisy environments. The best hearing loss correction program begins with the best assessments, and our expert specialists use proven techniques and FDA-approved modern medical equipment to achieve the best results in restoring clarity and supporting brain function.
The Journey to Improved Speech Understanding Begins with NeuroTechnology™ and the Latest Hearing Loss Correction Options
It is a fact that we hear with our brains, not our ears. NeuroTechnology™, the new generation of hearing loss technology, is designed to treat the cognitive impairments of hearing loss. Unlike traditional hearing aids that are manufactured to simply make things louder, today’s hearing loss correction options restore clarity of speech in all listening situations, including rooms with significant background noise. There are several NeuroTechnology™ hearing aid styles available depending on your unique needs.
NeuroTechnology™ stimulates the auditory system dependent on several factors, including the extent of impairment and the delay in treating hearing loss (ex: how long have you been living with untreated hearing loss). Treatment begins at the initial appointment and over the first few weeks and month, there is an adaptive process occurring as the patient’s brain becomes accustomed to restored clarity.

The Importance of Scientific Verification of Improved Hearing Ability
It is critical that treatment is scientifically verified and validated. “Real-Ear” measurements (REM) provide a method to objectively assess the accuracy and stimulation levels of NeuroTechnology™ when placed in the patient’s ear. Real-ear measurements are considered the “gold standard” method for achieving proper clarity and stimulation.

Adapting to NeuroTechnology™
In a perfect world, we would begin hearing loss correction for each patient the first day their hearing loss started. However, in the real world, statistics tell us that patients tend to wait an average of seven years before starting hearing treatment.
Stimulating the auditory system has a positive impact on the entire brain – and needs to be delivered at a conservative pace to ensure a successful treatment. Our method of adapting clarity and volume levels within the first few weeks has been shown to be the most effective treatment rate – with the highest patient satisfaction.
Once we begin, patients can expect to encounter new experiences and new sounds. They will visit the office 2-3 times over the first 30-60 days to dial-in on exact sound stimulation levels. While science is the driving force behind NeuroTechnology™, patient experience and feedback help guide the treatment process.
We believe hearing aids alone do not address all the aspects of hearing loss correction. For this reason, we include an auditory rehabilitation program as patients adapt to hearing better again. This program supports patients and their loved ones in maximizing effective communication and speech understanding.
Your customized hearing loss correction plan also includes BrainHQ™ monitored brain exercises specifically targeted for auditory brain stimulation. This approach stimulates the most important aspect of communication and speech processing: your precious brain.
Understanding the adaptive process of the brain is the basis for our comprehensive training program that encompasses total auditory rehabilitation and active, engaged living for our patients. As your hearing diminished over time, so did your brain’s ability to orient, localize, and focus on the speech sounds you want to hear. Think of this stage of the program as the “physical therapy” for your ears.
Our comprehensive auditory and brain stimulation plan will help you think faster, focus better, and remember more of what you hear.