Hearing Protection
Hearing Protection for Music, Shooting, Swimming and Industrial Noise
Here in the Pacific Northwest we love to take advantage of the great outdoors. Whether you enjoy hunting, swimming, surfing, or riding your motorcycle, hearing protection is the key to enjoying your favorite activities without allowing noise or water to compromise your hearing. Mt. Hood Hearing offers you the best in hearing protection on the market today for both recreational and professional use. Hearing loss can be the direct result of an occupation, a recreational activity, or simply exposure to loud sounds. From specialty custom earplugs to musicians’ sound attenuators, protection and enhancement products are the first step to preserving your hearing health.

Custom Hearing Protection

Musician’s Protection
Musician’s Earplugs have many potential uses with 3 interchangeable filter options (DE: -12dB, -17dB, and -25dB or ER: -9dB, -15dB, -25dB) and a solid plug option for non-music applications (each pair comes with one choice of filters). Anytime you are around high-volume music or noise for extended periods of time you are at risk of tinnitus and irreversible damage to your hearing. These plugs are perfect for making music, stage shows, or just enjoying the show from the crowd, because they bring the volume down to safe levels without compromising the sound. Everyone needs a set of these plugs.
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Personal Protection
Hearing loss is often the result of exposure to harmful levels of noise. Everyday tools such as lawn mowers and power drills produce noise levels that can begin to affect hearing over time. For others, the concern is getting a good night of sleep, which can be challenging when living in a noisy area or sharing a bed with a snoring partner. We feature the latest technology in custom earplugs for a variety of personal uses.
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Industrial Protection
According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), exposure to occupational noise should be monitored to prevent hearing loss. One of the best ways to prevent irreversible damage is using high quality earplugs or earmuffs. We feature the latest technology in custom and non-custom earplugs to protect your hearing in virtually any work environment while maximizing comfort and performance.
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Shooting Protection
Recreational noise such as target practice and hunting can cause hearing loss in a very short amount of time. This is the reason why one of the main diagnosis in the US military is hearing loss and tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Also, since firing arms for hunting and other activities is quite popular here in the northwest, it is important for people of all ages to find the right recreational protection to protect their valuable sense of hearing. We offer digital and passive products for reducing harmful levels of noise and at the same time enhancing your hearing for maximum awareness of your surroundings.
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