How Treating Hearing Loss Helps You Stay Connected for the Holidays

How Treating Hearing Loss Helps You Stay Connected for the Holidays

The holidays are filled with gatherings that bring loved ones together. While this is an exciting time for people reuniting, it can present specific challenges for people with hearing loss. Over 48 million people live with hearing loss, the third most common chronic condition in the U.S. Though it is a pervasive health issue, hearing loss still tends to be … Read More

October is Protect Your Hearing Month

October is Protect Your Hearing Month(2)

October is Protect Your Hearing Month, and there’s no better time to schedule a hearing test. Whether you suspect you might have hearing loss or it’s simply been a while since your last hearing test, remember that hearing tests are an important part of maintaining your hearing health throughout your life. The Better Hearing Institute, a not-for-profit organization, recommends that … Read More

How Exercise, Diet, Sleep, and Hearing Affect Brain Aging

How Exercise, Diet, Sleep, and Hearing Affect Brain Aging

It’s no secret that Americans are living longer than ever. We hear all the time about new advancements in medical science that allow formerly life-threatening medical issues to be treated or cured entirely. While life expectancy increases, we are understanding more and more that we don’t just want to add years to our lives: we want to add quality years … Read More

A Link between Stress & Hearing Loss

A Link between Stress & Hearing Loss

Stress continues to be a concern for a multitude of Americans. In an annual survey conducted by the American Psychological Association (APA), 78% of Americans cited the COVID-19 pandemic as a source of stress in their lives. 67% of adults say their stress level has increased over the course of the pandemic. While these numbers taken alone are alarming, nearly … Read More

May is Better Hearing and Speech Month

Building Connections May is Better Hearing and Speech Month

Each May, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) celebrates Better Hearing and Speech Month (BHSM). The goal is to spread awareness of communication issues and inspire better and broader treatment of those issues. The theme for 2021 is “Building Connections,” and what an appropriate theme for the moment!  We can imagine a couple different interpretations of how building connections is important … Read More

Support an Active Social Life with Hearing Loss Treatment

Support an Active Social Life with Hearing Loss Treatment

It’s been a rough year, but with more and more people getting vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus, we’re starting to appreciate the weather warming up and getting out of the house again! Those with hearing issues have struggled especially with issues related to face masks and social distancing: face masks prevent us from reading lips while also reducing the volume … Read More

Ways to Pay for Your Hearing Aids

Ways to Pay for Your Hearing Aids

If you’re having issues with hearing, hearing aids are the best way to keep your hearing health in good shape. Hearing aids let us begin to hear the world again in ways we may have forgotten, not to mention the importance they have in keeping us active and independent as we go about our lives. Hearing aids are even shown … Read More

Tips for a Successful Virtual Family Reunion


This holiday season, like the rest of 2020, we can forget about “normal,” but that doesn’t mean we have to set the holidays aside! Many families are planning to gather online this year, using video conferencing technology, and, with a little bit of planning ahead, your virtual holiday plans can come off without a hitch. Establish Plans Clearly While it … Read More

Remote & Wireless Hearing Aid Tech Helps You Stay Connected

[Mt. Hood Hearing] Blog #1_ Remote & Wireless Hearing Aid Tech Helps You Stay Connected

There are over 48 million Americans with hearing loss today, and that number is only expected to rise. In fact, hearing loss is set to be the seventh largest disease burden in the world by 2030. Unfortunately, hearing loss is also undertreated, with most people waiting an average of seven years from the time they notice hearing loss to the … Read More